✔ Leading teacher from India
with Ravinder Jangra


✔ International certificate
✔ Hundreds of successful teachers -
graduates of courses from all over the world
✔ All the subtleties of teaching methodology
 and personal transformations
September 10 - October 4
A comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge base, unique and in-depth presentation of information
Subtleties and secrets of successful teaching, professional skills for yoga teachers
Training under the attentive guidance of one of the best teachers in India, a tradition bearer
A prestigious international RYT200 certificate, confirming a high degree of qualification in any country in the world
Knowledge, experience, confidence, and inner strength for deep personal transformation. Achieve a high level of practice and understanding of yoga
Improvement of flexibility, strength, and endurance, cleansing and healing of the body. Mastering the principles of injury safety, the art of adjustment in asanas
Additional disciplines: anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, voice training, marketing, and promotion on social media for a highly successful career
Individual approach to each participant, small group size. Continuous support after the completion of training


  • A comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge base, unique and in-depth presentation of information
  • Subtleties and secrets of successful teaching, professional skills for yoga teachers
  • Training under the attentive guidance of one of the best teachers in India, a tradition bearer
  • A prestigious international RYT200 certificate, confirming a high degree of qualification in any country in the world
  • Knowledge, experience, confidence, and inner strength for deep personal transformation. Achieve a high level of practice and understanding of yoga
  • Improvement of flexibility, strength, and endurance, cleansing and healing of the body. Mastering the principles of injury safety, the art of adjustment in asanas
  • Additional disciplines: anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, voice training, marketing, and promotion on social media for a highly successful career
  • Individual approach to each participant, small group size. Continuous support after the completion of training
flying yogi

It is not enough just to be proficient in yoga techniques to teach professionally. Yoga is a science and an art. And in order to become an authoritative teacher, it is important to understand the intricacies of teaching methodology.

Therefore, you will learn to:

  • Demonstrate and explain a complete range of yogic techniques and concepts
  • Consider injury safety principles during classes
  • Diagnose the needs and goals of students, psychologically assess the audience

  • Adjust students in asanas

  • Achieve set goals: weight loss, muscle gain, improvement in strength, flexibility, and endurance, body detoxification, and immunity enhancement
  • Develop and conduct individual and group#nbsptraining programs of varying difficulty levels
  • Systematize already acquired knowledge and discard false concepts

  • Develop communication and instruction skills in specialized workshops
  • Act naturally in front of an audience
  • Create a positive atmosphere during classes

  • And most importantly, learn how to use yoga tools to achieve a state of inner peace and balance, regardless of external circumstances


yoga girl
✔ already know everything
✔ know nothing
✔ Are ready to completely change their understanding of yoga and accept knowledge from the source
Students of the course essentially study yoga from the very beginning, from scratch. The program is open not only to experienced practitioners but also to students with an initial level of preparation.
This course is also beneficial for those who do not plan to teach yoga professionally in the near future but are ready to deepen their personal practice. Such students receive a certificate of participation and the right to take the exam in the future.
Training progresses gradually, from simple to complex, with sufficient attention given to each participant. The entire practical part of the course is tailored individually for each student based on their abilities. Due to this format, the number of participants is limited to a small group.


Ravinder Jangra

Ravinder Jangra - videopresentation, asanas, lectures, seminars
The heart of this course is our teacher, whose natural charisma, knowledge, mastery, and sense of humor shine through in every lesson. Ravinder has a unique teaching style that embodies the true spirit of yoga.

Ravinder’s life is a testament to the study and practice of yoga at its roots, learning from hermit masters in the Himalayas, prestigious universities in India, and through his own mind and body.

About Ravinder:

  • Founder and Head of Tapasya Yoga School
  • Senior Teacher at Yoga Alliance
  • Studying yoga for over 30 years
  • Three-time Yoga Sport Champion of India
  • Headline speaker at yoga festivals and conferences
  • Conducted hundreds of trainings, workshops, and seminars worldwide
  • Lead Teacher for Tapasya Yoga teacher training courses
Asana demonstration in Dev Sanskirt Visvavidhyala University.
Haridwar, India 2002
Educational Background:

  • Master’s Degree in "Science of Yoga" from HNBG University (India)
  • PhD in "Treating Psychological Disorders with Yoga and Yoga Therapy" from HNBG University (one of the largest universities in India)

Professional Training:

  • "Human Consciousness and Yoga" from DSVV University (Haridwar, India)
  • "Science of Yoga" from IGNO University (Rishikesh, India)
  • "Naturopathic Therapy" from Parmath Niketan Ashram (India)


Ravinder was born into a Brahmin family in a small village in the Haryana state of India. His first introduction to yoga came from his father, who practiced asanas, pranayama, and meditation every morning.

At the age of 12, Ravinder entered a Vedic school to study ancient texts (Rigveda), mantras, and yoga. By the age of 16, under the guidance of his teacher, he went to Rishikesh to learn further from a Yoga Guru. This marked a turning point in his life, dedicating all his time and thoughts to the practice of yoga.

Soon after, Ravinder joined one of India’s largest universities, HNBG University, and won 4 gold medals in all-India yoga sports competitions.

At a certain stage in his life, Ravinder retreated into hermitage, living in a small hut on the banks of the Ganges in the Himalayas, where he apprenticed with powerful masters and hermit yogis. During this period, students from Rishikesh began to seek him out for his knowledge in yoga and yoga therapy.

After three years of hermitage, Ravinder returned to society. Taking the best from traditions, using his experience, and putting his soul into it, he founded the Tapasya Yoga school in Rishikesh.

Ravinder conducts group and individual sessions, seminars, and training for yoga teachers. He focuses on applying yoga therapy to treat illnesses, helping people regain health and harmony in their lives. Hundreds of students from all over the world have trained under Ravinder’s attentive guidance.



The course is divided into two parts. You can complete the entire course, or separately one or two parts, while a special certificate is issued, which gives the right to take the next part of the course.

However, to receive the RYT200 certificate and the right to teach yoga, you must complete all parts of the course within one year.

Yoga Alliance is one of the largest and globally recognized organizations for RYT200 (Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hours) certification and international standardization of yoga schools and instructors.
Schedule for 2024
100 Hours

Special price for registration

15 days

before the start of the course:


Regular price 650€ for registration less then 15 days before the start of the course


12 days: 10.09 - 22.09

Location: online and offline (India)

200 Hours

Special price for registration

15 days

before the start of the course

+ discount for completing two parts together:


Regular price 1100€ for registration less then 15 days before the start of the course


24 days: 10.09 - 4.10

Location: online and offline (India)

What Is Included in the Cost of
Yoga Teacher Training?
Our yoga instructor courses offer a comprehensive package of services that includes everything necessary for your successful learning and preparation for a career as a yoga instructor.

The cost of €550 and €950 includes:
  • Theoretical and practical classes (12 and 24 days, respectively).
  • Recorded video lessons with access to recordings of all sessions, which you can watch at your convenience.
  • Methodical manuals for all theoretical classes, helping you better absorb the material.
  • Equipment and materials for Shatkarmas (for the offline format).
  • Consultations and mentorship after completing the course, to help you adapt to your new role.
  • Certification: an official RYT200 yoga instructor certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Additional Costs:
  • Accommodation, meals, and excursion trips to holy places in the Himalayas: €500 for 25 days.
  • Transportation costs to the course venue: individually based on your place of residence and choice of transport.

We hope this information helps you better understand what you will receive by joining our yoga instructor courses. If you have any additional questions, please contact our support service.

Course program:

The TYS yoga instructor courses are built on a close interweaving of theory and practice. Students apply and refine the knowledge they acquire during daily practical sessions. We emphasize quality: each student receives special attention during joint analysis and refinement of their individual teaching style, as well as in identifying and correcting errors in practice and teaching.
1. Asana Practice

  • Historical Context: Discover the evolution of yoga asanas from the Indus Valley civilization to the classical period, exploring philosophical foundations and the integration of physical postures for spiritual awakening.
  • Hatha Yoga Poses: Master key Hatha yoga poses and Tapasya Yoga poses, classified by difficulty levels to gradually learn new movements.
  • Sequence and Alignment: Learn to create safe and effective sequences, including asanas, pranayama, and meditation, tailored to individual body features.

2. Shatkarmas (Cleansing Practices)

  • Types and Benefits: Explore cleansing practices like Dhauti (digestive system cleansing), Basti (colon cleansing), Neti (nasal cleansing), Trataka (concentration practice), Nauli (abdominal massage), and Kapalabhati (skull-brightening breath). Learn their therapeutic effects and safe practice guidelines.
  • Indications and Contraindications: Understand when and how to apply these practices, recognizing appropriate indications and contraindications for maximum effect.

3. Pranayama and the Subtle Body

  • Historical Context: Dive into the history of pranayama through ancient texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, and Yoga Sutras, understanding its significance in Hatha yoga.
  • Techniques: Master fundamental pranayama techniques such as Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, and others, creating safe sequences for different skill levels.
  • Subtle Body Concepts: Explore the energetic aspects of pranayama, including chakras, nadis, prana vayus, koshas, kleshas, gunas, doshas, and panchatattvas. Understand the mind-body connection and the impact of pranayama on emotional well-being and awareness.

4. Meditation

  • Key Terms and Methods: Familiarize yourself with key meditation terms like Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantra, and Yoga Nidra. Learn various meditation methods, including breath awareness, chakra meditation, and Yoga Nidra.
  • Practice and Integration: Develop the ability to practice and effectively teach meditation techniques. Learn to integrate mantras, mudras, bandhas, drishti, and subtle sounds (Nad) into meditation practices.

5. Anatomy and Physiology

  • Skeletal System: Gain knowledge of the major bones and joints, understanding their role in yoga practice.
  • Muscles and Movements: Study the primary muscles involved in performing asanas, understanding their significance in movement.
  • Physiological Effects: Learn how yoga impacts the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, and respiratory systems, including the muscles affecting breathing and the mind-body connection. Understand types of muscle contractions (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and their importance in yoga practice.

6. Biomechanics

  • Joint Movements: Explore various types of joint movements and their application in yoga, ensuring proper alignment to prevent injuries.
  • Safe Practice: Learn principles of safe movement and joint stabilization to prevent injuries and ensure effective practice.

7. History and Philosophy of Yoga

  • Evolution of Yoga: Study the development of yoga from the Vedas and Vedanta to modern times, exploring the influence of important texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Bhagavad Gita.
  • Philosophical Foundations: Understand key concepts and texts of yoga, exploring the connection between asanas, pranayama, and meditation within the framework of Tapasya Yoga philosophy.

8. Ethics and Teaching Methodology

  • Ethical Principles: Study the foundations of ethics in yoga, including a deep understanding of the Yoga Sutras and the Ethical Commitment of Yoga Alliance. Reflect on how ethical principles integrate into yoga practice and teaching, and understand how ethics influence your approach to students and teaching.
Teaching Skills: Develop effective teaching skills that include:
  • Sequence and Pace: Learn to create and adhere to structured asana sequences, choosing an appropriate class pace for different skill levels.
  • Creating an Environment: Understand how to create a comfortable and safe atmosphere for students.
  • Verbal and Physical Cues: Master the art of providing clear instructions and demonstrations, using safety principles to prevent injuries during classes.
  • Class Management: Learn to effectively manage a group, considering various skill levels and student needs, and developing individual and group training programs.

Additionally, master:
  • Art of Adjustments in Asanas: Learn to adjust student poses appropriately and ethically.
  • Handling Social Situations: Understand the psychology of interacting with students and effectively manage social situations in a group.
  • Voice Influence: Study techniques to develop clear and effective communication.
  • Specific Practice for Women: Master the specifics of conducting classes for women depending on their cycle and during pregnancy.
  • Yoga for Children: Understand the nuances of teaching yoga to children.
  • Developing an Individual Teaching Style: Find your unique approach to teaching yoga, considering all acquired knowledge and skills.

9. Professional Development

  • Career: Explore professional opportunities, certification processes, and the importance of continuous learning for developing a yoga instructor career.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Learn how to effectively market yourself as a yoga instructor, considering legal aspects and managing insurance obligations.

10. Practice

  • Practical Experience: Gain practical teaching experience through mentorship and feedback sessions, developing skills in 12 key competencies.
  • Competency Development: Master the art of mentorship, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application through internships and constructive feedback.
Key Components of the Program:

Tapasya Yoga

Tapasya Yoga School (TYS) is an international educational institute for yoga, recognized and certified by Yoga Alliance. Certification from TYS guarantees a high level of professionalism. TYS's training standards are used as a benchmark by many yoga schools and studios. Graduates of the school are registered in the YA database under the 200-hour standard. Tapasya Yoga was founded in 2010 by Ravinder Jangra after three years of spiritual practice and asceticism in the Himalayas.

The school is located in the world capital of yoga, Rishikesh, at the foothills of the Himalayas on the banks of the sacred Ganges River. Additionally, there is a branch in Ukraine. Tapasya is a school with many years of experience, known for the quality and depth of the knowledge it imparts. The name Tapasya embodies the core essence of the school - discipline and consistency in practice.

Tapasya Yoga aims to create a healthy and strong body as a foundation for more advanced practices of mind control. The holistic approach to teaching and practicing yoga engages both the body and mind, creating an absolute balance between the physical and mental.
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